Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I leave tomorrow afternoon to meet Viki in Joberg and on Friday morning we fly to Vic Falls until Sunday, then fly onto Gabarone in Botswana, then by four seater to Baines Camp in the Okavango Delta.
 We are staying on one of the archipeligo of islands there for a few days, and are looking forward to this new experience very much.
I shall return with a full camera , I have no doubt.

We fly back to the Upington and the farm on the 4th November, [Big will actually be on the same flight from his month long trip to Europe and USA], and plan to hole up here for the weekend before driving down to Cape Town for a meandering week of touring in "The shiny One".

Jessie and I were discussing the Botswana trip and I was forced to accuse Jessie if "ageism", when she blurted out, "That is the sort of thing that I should be doing." Exploring Africa is giving me a great deal of joy, I wish that Big had the same interest in it as me, but it does mean that I get to do these trails with family and friends.

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