Monday, August 30, 2010


Since I re launched The Kakamanian upon my return to Africa in July, I have had the facility to see how many views the blog gets from one week to another. To my great amazement, since Mid July, it has had 288 views; this is amazing, as it is not listed on Google or any other search engine. I prefer those that want to read it to have access via the private address.
I would also mention that none of my own viewing is counted!

 HUGE thank you`s to everyone who pops in and reads.

 I don't want to put anyone off, but it pleases me so much when I receive comments at the end of the posts. Gerry, my American friend is a star and always has something to tell me, or to add...Finn occasionally finds time to pass on a droplet of wisdom. I will answer everyone's comments if they wish to post don't be shy.


Anonymous said...

You are very welcome, sweetie! Cool pictures. I especially like the one with the alphabet letters.

DAWN said...

Yes I like it as well, its pulled from somewhere that I was looking at on the web. I hesitate to do this as I am wary of copyright issues, but sometimes I get just too tempted.