Some of you may remember me becoming involved with a poetry writing thread that appeared on the Authonomy website that I has used to raise the profile of ARK [The book]. Memories of Dung beetles?
The "conversation" took place over a period of eight months and was started by one verse of poetry, the idea was to be inspired by this verse and create an add another verse or entirely new poem. This worked and many people became involved.
I have for many weeks now, not even looked on the site, since Gerry started to help me edit ARK I have been working on its completion and getting it out to publishers and agents. One rejection so far..but I`m quite chilled and still putting it about [but not on the Autho site, the book has now been made private so you won't be able to see it.] Trying to keep its profile high was taking up inordinate amounts of my time, and I have other stuff to do.
I was recently contacted by the originator of the poetry thread, Zan, [who lives in Bermuda], she asked if I, along with five other regular contributors,[ also living in the far flung corners of the world] would consider self publishing the "conversation" that we have had on the poetry thread.
This is not what the experts would call "Vanity publishing". it's a new idea where work is uploaded [in this case to a site in America called Creatspace https://www.createspace.com/ ], the writer, does his or her own editing and mastering of text, adds their own artwork and cover. The book is then proofed, this is where the $ 140 start up cost comes, and is then listed on the Creatspace site. Leaving the author/authors to raise awareness and market as they see fit, and for readers to order a copy from Creatspace for the costly amount of around $11 per copy plus P&P which will not be cheap from the States.
Well this is as new a territory for me, as writing my first book. But I understand that Self publishing is becoming the new way to showcase work, the publishing industry is metamorphosising into an altogether different creature these days, with such wide access to the internet and many schemes around to publish "on demand".
Not one to miss and opportunity, I have agreed, and along with the six other members, we are currently sifting, sorting, and arranging our collection. I have to admit to being "hands off" on the technical side. One amongst this group of scarily gifted people, has self published before and all of the other members are published authors or poets in their own right. YIKES!
I shall keep you updated on the progress , and yes the collection is called : Rambling Poets at Cyber Cafe.
Some landscapes from my dog walks |
Tangled remains of last years vines & succulents growing mid winter